28th March 2024
Dear Parents and Carers of St George’s,
Spring Term Success
What a brilliant term we have had at St George’s!
The internal building and refurbishment work is almost complete with just the finishing touches to add. We have had countless visitors into school admiring our new classrooms and we’ve had several schools contact us to come and visit our new library looking for inspiration. We’ve had some wonderful feedback about our school from a whole range of people which makes all of the hard work worthwhile.
We, of course, have also had our Ofsted Inspection earlier in March and we should be receiving our report very soon. Watch this space…
Thank you to all of our parents and carers who completed the Ofsted Parent/Carer Survey which was overwhelmingly positive about our school and the changes made over the last year and a half.
Events in school
Thank you to everyone who has been able to attend the events we have been hosting in school over the spring term. There will be more events coming up in the summer for you to come and enjoy with your child/children. Please do your utmost to attend as many events as possible to support your child in school.
Change to the start time of the school day to 8.45am from Tuesday 16 April 2024
You may recall we sent out a letter to consult with parents on a change to the start of the school day from 8.55am to the earlier start of 8.45am. No parents responded to the consultation so the governors of St George’s have agreed to move the start of the school day to 8.45am from Tuesday 16 April 2024. This means that St George’s will now be providing 32.5 hours per week for children to be in school which is in line with government expectations.
The school gates will open at 8.30am to allow for a staggered start to the school day. Our free breakfast for all children will continue and so will our Breakfast Club for those parents/carers who need to use this type of provision. We are reducing our price for the Breakfast Club to £1.50 in consideration of the shorter time the children will be in there.
Attendance and Punctuality
Please continue to support your child with their attendance and prompt arrival at school before the main gates close.
Good attendance provides every child with the best chance of success at primary school and helps ensure they are ready for the challenges of high school. Every day at school counts and no child should be put at a disadvantage by missing school days where they can learn, spend time with their friends and teachers and get the very best out of their primary school days.
We know, through experiences during Covid, the hugely negative impact non-attendance at school can have on children’s lives, not only in terms of their academic achievements but also, and more importantly, the impact this can have on their ability to socialise with others and their mental health and well-being.
We fully understand and support school absences when children are too poorly to attend and we know that this type of absence is completely unavoidable, but we please ask that you make appointments, whenever possible, outside of the school day and that you do not take holidays during term time.
If your child is too poorly to attend school, please follow our school procedures and ring school on the first day of absence no later than 9.30am and by 9.30am on each subsequent day of absence.
Parking and Driving Around School
We are becoming increasingly concerned about parking and unsafe driving around our school gates, particularly on St George’s Terrace, right outside of the school gates. We have also had feedback from many concerned parents and carers who feel road safety around the school is an ongoing concern.
Please drive and park safely around our school gates and the streets adjacent to the school. Parents and carers should not be parking on any ‘Keep Clear’ signs around school.
The Highway Code states:
Rule 243
DO NOT stop or park:
- near a school entrance
If any parents or carers witness any unsafe driving or parking, please report a parking problem where restrictions are in place on 0191 278 7799 (all days between 8.00am and 10.00pm).
On behalf of all of the staff and children of St George’s I would like to wish you a very Happy and Holy Easter.
Thank you for your continued support.
Best wishes,
Mrs Anne Bullerwell
Executive Headteacher