Newsletter 1.9.2023

4th September 2023

Dear Parents and Carers of St George’s,

I hope you have all had a wonderful and restful summer holiday spending quality time with your family and friends.

School Building and Development Works Update

St George's has been a hive of activity over the summer holidays!

The old heating system and pipework have all been removed from the main school building. New convector heaters have been installed and any new pipes and heating works boxed in for a smart and sleek look.

The new Early Years classrooms and office spaces are nearly ready with the final touches being added to the new canopy area and external cladding to the mobile building itself. Once the mobile is completed, we will move our Nursery, Reception and Year 1 children into their new classrooms with Mrs Lawson and Mrs Miller. We hope this will happen early in October 2023. Once our youngest children move into their new classrooms in the mobile, we can begin decorating and refurbishing each classroom in turn in the main school building. As soon as the offices are ready, we will move our reception and main office to the mobile too.

When you arrive in the school yard for the new term, and whilst the work is being finished on the mobile, you will see some machinery and building materials on the school grounds near the mobile. You will also see some safety fencing. I would very much appreciate you explaining to the children what they will see on their return to school on Tuesday 5 September, so they are not worried about what they see in the school yard on their first day.

Please be rest assured that the school will be completely safe, clean, and tidy and ready for reopening for all our children for the new academic year and the new autumn term.

We ask for your patience and support whilst the works are being completed especially if you need to speak to Mrs Watson or a member of the school leadership team in our current office space. We will do our utmost to keep any inconvenience to a minimum.

Huge thanks must go to Mr Hart from the whole school community.  Mr Hart has worked tirelessly throughout the whole summer to ensure the works are being completed to a high standard and that our school has been well looked after by any contractors on site. THANK YOU, MR HART FROM US ALL!

During the last week of the summer holidays, all the staff at St George’s have been working hard to get our school prepared and ready for the children’s return.

School reopens for the children on Tuesday 5 September

On Tuesday, we will be opening the school gates slightly earlier on our first day back to allow for a more staggered entry into the school grounds. Staff will be on hand to welcome and support the children back into school and answer any questions you may have and give you the opportunity to update school on any information you wish to share with us at the beginning of the academic year. Alternatively, please email the school office on

The school day will end, as usual, at 3.15pm. If your child attends After School Club, please ensure you contact Mrs Watson to confirm your child is booked in for the first week of the new term.

Dates for your Diary

Please check the News section on our school website to ensure you don’t miss any of our exciting school events which include our parents and carers, this autumn term.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Bullerwell and the Staff of St George’s

St George's Catholic Primary School is part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number No 7841435.

Registered Office: Fenham Hall Drive, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 9YH