6th January 2025
Dear Parents and Carers of St George’s,
Happy New Year and a huge welcome back to all of our children. They’ve all had a brilliant first day and have loved telling us all about their holidays and celebrations over the festive period. We are all looking forward to a very busy spring term and have lots of exciting activities and events planned for the children.
Please see the Dates for your Diary for more information when they are updated, later this week.
Reception Class September 2025
The closing date for Reception Class applications for September 2025 is 15 January 2025. Please ensure you have applied for a place for your child if they were born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021.
Attendance and Punctuality
Please continue to support your child with their attendance and prompt arrival at school before the main gates close.
Good attendance provides every child with the best chance of success at primary school and helps ensure they are ready for the challenges of high school. Every day at school counts and no child should be put at a disadvantage by missing school days where they can learn, spend time with their friends and teachers and get the very best out of their primary school days.
We fully understand and support school absences when children are too poorly to attend and we know that this type of absence is completely unavoidable, but we please ask that you make appointments, whenever possible, outside of the school day and that you do not take holidays during term time.
If your child is too poorly to attend school, please follow our school procedures and ring school on the first day of absence no later than 9.30am and by 9.30am on each subsequent day of absence.
Polite Reminder re: the school day
Our school day begins at 8.45am prompt. We have a number of children who are consistently late and who are missing the first 10-15minutes of their learning in school. Please ensure you arrive at school in time for your child to start their school day properly alongside their classmates and to enable every child to access our free breakfast food provision.
Please also note: revised kitchen requirements for our school kitchen mean lunches need to be ordered promptly every day. If your child is late, it could impact on their lunch choice for that day.
Wraparound Provision
Please continue to follow school procedures for booking children into our After School Club provision. This ensures school have enough staff and resources available to run the club safely.
School Uniform
Please support your child and St George’s by fully adhering to our school’s uniform policy. Please visit our school website for more information.
Thank you for your continued support. If you do have any concerns or there is anything we can support you with, please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office on 0191 2675677 or via email office@stgcps.org or please come and catch us on the yard for a chat.
Best wishes,
Mrs Anne Bullerwell
Executive Headteacher