We are proud to introduce:
Little Dragons at St George’s Catholic Primary School
FREE Baby and Toddler Group
Times: Drop in anytime from 8:45am to 10:30am.
Day: Every Wednesday (term time only).
Parents, carers, grandparents, aunties, uncles, childminders! Bring your 0 to 3 years old to play, chat and socialise together.
The sessions will be hosted by the Early Years Lead in the school hall. Meet St George’s staff, see our newly renovated school, make new friends and speak to professionals.
Come along to the main office on Wednesdays from 8:45am, booking is not required. Refreshments (tea, coffee, juice) will be available. Sessions are free and run term time only.
Little Dragons Baby and Toddler Group
This half term, St George’s launched our very own Baby and Toddler Group Little Dragons! The children and adults have enjoyed sharing books, building towers and knocking them down, completing jigsaws and making marks on paper. The babies and toddlers have also practised their crawling, rolling, sitting up, walking and talking. We got a bit messy painting our little friend’s hands and feet to make pictures, and the bubbles are of course a huge hit! We always end our sessions with a sing song, choosing our favourite Nursery Rhymes to join in with.
We are happy to announce the group will continue in September, beginning again on Wednesday 11th September 2024.
(Summer Term 2024)