Newsletter 2.7.24

2nd July 2024

Dear Parents and Carers of St George’s,

REARRANGED Sports Day Tuesday 9 July 2.00pm

Sports Day for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 has been rearranged due to inclement weather for Tuesday 9 July beginning at 2.00pm. Families are welcome to come and join us.

There will be light refreshments on sale.

St George’s Family Fun Night and Open Evening Tuesday 9 July 3.15 – 4.30pm

We are also hosting a Family Fun Night and Open Evening for our school community on Tuesday 9 July from 3.15 until 4.30pm. There will be refreshments on sale and a range of games and activities for both you and your child to enjoy.

We will be having a tombola and raffle on the day. If you have any items to donate, for example: toiletries, games, sweets, chocolates, bottles or any other suitable items, please send them into school with your child before Monday 8 July. Thank you.

If you are attending any events in school, please bring as much loose change as you can to pay for any items. Thank you.

No Gifts into School

This is just a polite reminder that, as part of our Poverty Proofing Policy, we do not accept any gifts for staff into school. Please note, we also do not accept the exchanging of any gifts between our Reception and Year 6 Buddies on school premises. Thank you for your continued support with this policy.

If you wish to discuss any item in this letter or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact school.


Mr Howard and Mrs Gregory will be leaving St George’s at the end of this academic year.

Mr Howard is leaving to begin a brand-new career having worked at St George’s for the last 3 years first as a part-time teacher and then as a full-time teacher. Mr Howard will be a huge miss to the whole school community and I know you will all wish him well in his new endeavours.                 

Mrs Gregory is also leaving for pastures new and will begin work as a high school chaplain in September. Mrs Gregory has been at St George’s for eleven years and has carried out a whole host of roles and responsibilities during her time here. Mrs Gregory will be missed by everyone and I know you will also join me in wishing her the very best of everything for the future.

On behalf of the governors of St George’s, I would like to thank both Mr Howard and Mrs Gregory for everything they have done for the children, staff, school and wider parish community over the years.

Best wishes,

Mrs Anne Bullerwell

Executive Headteacher

St George's Catholic Primary School is part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number No 7841435.

Registered Office: Fenham Hall Drive, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 9YH