Week beginning 10th February 2025
Early Years took part in Safer Internet Day, taking part in activities to promote
the safe and positive use of digital technology for children. We talked about who our trusted adults are and when we should go and speak to them. We decorated posters and made our own ipads and phones to play with.
We have created more ‘Under the Sea’ themed art work, including using the pointillism technique of painting with tiny dots to make pictures.
For St Valentine’s Day we made ‘I love you’ and heart themed creative activities to take home to our parents and families.
Week beginning 3rd February 2025
Early Years have loved the new class story – Pirates Love Underpants. We have designed and decorated our own underpants pictures, retold the story through role play and created story puppets.
We have been exploring the outdoor areas, looking for bugs, digging holes and picking flowers. We have been practising our throwing and catching skills and mixing potions in the mud kitchen.
For Children’s Mental Health Week, we took part in ‘Inside Out Day’ – wearing our clothes inside out to represent getting our feelings from inside of us out into the open. We also took part in some feeling and emotion activities, learning it’s ok not to feel ok and that we always have someone to talk to.
Week beginning 27th January 2025
This week Early Years have explored Lunar/Chinese New Year through creative activities, food tasting and dragon dancing in our PE lesson!
We have continued with our sea theme by writing messages in a bottle, collaging sea creatures and making homes for hermit crabs.
We loved our ‘All at Sea’ themed day where we came to school in our own clothes or costumes and took part in sea themed activities. We made pirate swords, treasure boxes, flags, crabs, maps and an under the sea display. We also danced to sea themed songs and shanties and walked the plank!
Week beginning 20th January 2025
Chef James came to bake scones with Early Years this week. We added in cheese or dried fruit to our mixture as we rolled it, and then used a cutter to make the scone shapes. Once they were baked in the oven, we ate them during our 'snack and story' time while they were still warm - delicious!
We loved inviting our parents into school to take part in our Workshop. We played phonics games, maths games, and read stories together. It was lovely to share with our parents what we do at school, how we learn and who we play with.
We also had our full Cube Jar reward. We chose to have a movie afternoon bringing in our teddy bear friends to join us. Well done Early Years!
Week beginning 13th January 2025
Early Years have made and painted their own salt dough sea creatures. We have also made treasure chests, coins and jewels to add to our Under the Sea area.
We have loved exploring outdoors in the wetsuits, digging holes, looking for worms and performing on the ‘stage.’
The local Healthworks team came to visit us in school. They brought their special handwashing device to show us how and why we need to wash our hands more thoroughly! We also learned how to brush our teeth properly and were given a toothbrush to take home!
Week beginning 6th January 2025
Happy New Year! Early Years have had a wonderful fun filled week back to school!
We have fully immersed ourselves in this half terms topic of Under the Sea. We have made Rainbow Fish art work and enjoyed role playing in the outdoor Pirate Ship – even walking the plank!
The cold weather hasn’t stopped us from enjoying playing outdoors. We have loved exploring the ice and come up with some creative ideas of what to do with it. We have tried to melt the ice, tried to break it into smaller pieces, and used paint brushes to mark make on it.