20th May 2024
Dear Parents and Carers of St George’s,
Dangerous driving and parking around school gates on St George’s Terrace
We are becoming increasingly concerned about unsafe driving and parking around the St George’s Terrace entrance to school. We have also had conversations with concerned parents and carers and neighbours who have witnessed first-hand, extremely dangerous driving where children and their families are walking.
We have shared a substantial amount of information around safe driving and parking around school both in our newsletters, using our text messaging service and speaking directly to drivers where we have observed unsafe driving and parking but we just can’t seem to get the safety message through to some of our parents and carers.
We have also discussed our concerns with Newcastle City Council and Northumbria Police who have been supporting the school with some monitoring visits and advice.
We know the entrances to the school grounds are not ideal, especially as St George’s Terrace is a cul-de-sac, but we must work positively and safely within the environment we have.
In light of this, from Monday 3 June, we will only be opening the top gate just off Dumpling Hall Estate, on Ottringham Close (NE15 7XS) for both drop off in the morning between 8.30 and 8.45am and collection at the end of the school day at 3.15pm.
There is ample parking along Ottringham Close.
The majority of our families already use the top gate and some have recently made the decision to use the top gate because of the safety concerns shared.
The gate on Ottringham Close will be opened:
- 8.00am - 8.20am for Breakfast Club
- 8.30am – 8.45am for the rest of the children
- 4.15pm to dismiss any curriculum clubs ran by staff eg: football, Chef etc.
The gate on St George’s Terrace will only be used by:
- Visitors to school throughout the school day
- After School Club Wraparound provision 3.15-5.30pm
I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused by this change but we must put the safety of the children and our school and wider parish community first.
Please support St George’s with this important change to help keep all of our children and the wider school community safe.
Thank you, as always, for your continued support.
Best wishes,
Mrs Anne Bullerwell
Executive Headteacher