Change of Gate update

10th June 2024

Dear Parents and Carers of St George’s,

Change of gate update

I would like to thank the whole school community for the support you have given St George’s over the recent changes to the use of the gates at drop off and collection times. I know there have been some teething problems and I know it has inconvenienced some of you for which, I can only apologise. However, I also know that most parents and carers have responded extremely positively to the changes and fully accept that the school have put the safety of the children of St George’s first and foremost in any decision-making.

We have been liaising with Northumbria Police regularly on parking and driving around school and in particular, we have asked the police for advice around parking in residential areas around schools. This is in response to some concerns shared by local residents.

As advised by the police, parents and carers can park on any of the streets around the school as long as there are no parking restrictions in place and it is not obstructive parking which is a threat to the safety of pedestrians.

Please see below the information we have received from Northumbria Police:

Ignoring parking restrictions and/or obstructive parking is illegal and may be enforced by either Northumbria Police or Newcastle City Council Parking enforcement officers.

Newcastle City Council Parking Enforcement can be contacted on 0191 277739, between 8am and 6pm and may only enforce obstructive parking where:

  • Vehicles are parked on the footpath or road and are adjacent to parking restrictions (such as yellow lines) or
  • Vehicles are parked on the footpath over the dropped kerb leading to a driveway or garage and enforcement action may only be taken where the resident who is being obstructed reports the offence
  • Vehicles are parked on the footpath or road adjacent to a dropped kerb where pedestrians cross.

Northumbria Police can be contacted on 101, at any time and can undertake enforcement of obstructive parking where:

  • Vehicles are parked partially or fully on the footpath and generally enforcement occurs where a pedestrian is physically unable to pass on the footpath.  Our rule of thumb is can a double buggy fit through.
  • Vehicles are parked on the road as to prevent another vehicle from passing.
  • Vehicles are parked on the road opposite the driveway/garage preventing access/egress to it and enforcement action may only be taken where the resident who is being obstructed reports the offence.
  • All of the above may be enforced by the Police without parking restrictions being present.

Also of note, residents cannot dictate who parks on the road outside their property unless there is a designated space allocated to the property or parking restrictions outside.

As per our previous letters, please see the following as a polite reminder re: access to St George’s at drop off and collection times:

The top gate on Ottringham Close will be open from 8.30am until 8.45am and 3.15pm until 3.30pm to allow for safe egress to and from the yard. Please make use of the longer collection time of 15 minutes at home time.

The gate on St George’s Terrace will only be used by:

-          Our Wraparound Care including Breakfast Club and After School Club

-          Any after school curriculum clubs led by staff

-          Visitors to school throughout the school day

Any parents wanting to drop off their children by car in the morning at the top gates may do so safely as there will always be a member of staff present to support the children through the gates and down into school where other staff will be on the yard.

If you are parking up and walking your child/children into school, please park safely and considerately using all of the streets around St George’s.

Any families who have any issues re: their child’s mobility, their own mobility or any other mobility concerns, please just contact school to let us know if you need to use the gate on St George’s Terrace. This may be all of the time or just on the odd occasion if someone else is collecting your child. We will consider each family’s case on an individual basis.

We will review the changes again in a few weeks’ time.

Please continue to work with the school and the local residents to make our drop off and collection times safe for our whole community.

Thank you for your continued support.

Best wishes,

Mrs Anne Bullerwell

Executive Headteacher

St George's Catholic Primary School is part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number No 7841435.

Registered Office: Fenham Hall Drive, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 9YH