1st September 2023
Dear Parents and Carers of Year 2 Children at St George’s,
Year 2 Open Evening
Mr Howard will be hosting another Year 2 Opening Evening for parents and carers of our Year 2 children in addition to the one held on Tuesday 19th September 2023. This is for any parents and carers who could not make the first meeting.
The second Year 2 Opening Evening for parents and carers will be at 3.15pm on Thursday 5th October 2023. Children can be looked after by our school staff in the After-School Club whilst you attend the meeting.
Please make every effort to attend this meeting. Year 2 is such an important year for the children. Mr Howard will be sharing all of the necessary information at the meeting so you know the different approaches we use in school to support children’s learning and, more importantly, you can find out how you can support your child at home, particularly with their reading.
It will also provide you with a good opportunity to ask Mr Howard any questions you may have around Year 2 routines and expectations.
Thank you for your continued support.
Best wishes,
Mrs Anne Bullerwell