January Newsletter

1st January 2023

10 January 2023

Dear Parents and Carers of St George’s,

Happy New Year and a huge welcome back to all of our children. They’ve all had a brilliant first day back and have loved telling us all about their holidays and celebrations over the festive period. We are all looking forward to a very busy spring term and have lots of exciting activities and events planned for the children. Please see the Dates for your Diary for more information.

Welcome back, Mrs Powell

It is with great pleasure that I inform you that Mrs Powell has returned to St George’s after an extended period of absence at the beginning of this academic year. Mrs Powell is doing a phased return and will return to her full time role in due course. I know how much she has been missed by the whole school community and how happy we all are to have her back at St George’s.

School Development

We are hugely fortunate at St George’s to be part of Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust who have agreed to invest just over half a million pounds in our school over the next couple of years which is just AMAZING! We have been working closely with senior leaders at the Trust on ideas and designs to put this money to good use and develop and improve our school buildings. During the spring term we will begin work on the mobile unit which is being redeveloped as our new Early Years provision, with a fabulous new internal layout and fantastic external play area. We are hoping the children in Early Years can move into their new classroom in the summer term of 2023. We are also repurposing one class in the mobile as a Library/Well-being Centre which we are really excited about. We are also hoping to complete the window refurbishment and install a new heating system.


Much of the work will be taking place during the holidays but some work will be completed during term time. We have planned the work carefully in phases so that it does not disrupt the running of the school. The work should take up to two years to complete.


Watch this space!   


Attendance and Punctuality

Please continue to work with school to ensure your child attends school regularly and on time. The children have already missed so much of their educational entitlement over the last few years and it is so important that we give each and everyone of them the very best opportunity to catch up on anything missed and ensure they get the very best start to their high school education. If your child is struggling to come into school or you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Wraparound Provision

Please continue to follow school procedures for booking children into our After School Club provision. This ensures school have enough staff and resources available to run the club safely.


Parking Around School

Parking around all schools is restricted. Please do not park on any of the yellow lines at the main entrance to the school on Bell’s Close. Pavement space for pedestrians at the gates is very limited.

Thank you for your continued support. If you do have any concerns or there is anything we can support you with, please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office on 0191 2675677 or via email office@stgcps.org or please come and catch us on the yard for a chat.  


Mrs Anne Bullerwell


St George's Catholic Primary School is part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number No 7841435.

Registered Office: Fenham Hall Drive, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 9YH